
             Meaning HU is not only an institution that provides higher education to the community but it also emphasizes that its students carefully utilize their thoughts, knowledge and ability in a righteous light.
             The Thinker stands in front of the second building to reflect the university's philosophy. It was Rodin's masterpiece which was inspired by Michelangelo and was famous in the Renaissance period.

The Thinker : Muscle and mind Auguste Rodin

The meaning of Thinker
             Rodin passed his thought onto his sculpture to symbolize the profound conscious of human being. The physical beauty, and the lines of muscle and big hands show how human being puts every effort into his work. Rodin said "The most remote antiquity is my habitat. I want to link the past to the present; to return to memory, judge it, and contrive to contemplate it, symbols are the guidelines of humanity. They are no lies."

             HU's vision is to be the leading private university in Thailand to go international and produce professional graduates for the good of society.

             Hatyai University is determined to contribute and respond to the needs of the country by producing the highest qualitative graduates, research. Our mission is also to extend academic services to communities preserve of Thai arts and culture under effective administration and participative management, together with applications of modern innovations and technology.